Co-design workshop - COMMUNITY TABLE

The Community Table at the Co-design Workshop was inspired by a dream saying “My dream is for 2K dollars and a seafood boil for eternity”.

Dream the inspired the workshop: “My dream is for 2K dollars and a seafood boil for eternity”.

To make this dream come true, West Palm Beach DDA teamed up with Salento Coffee to prepare a Caribbean soup called Sancocho. This soup is filled with potatoes, yuca, carrots, corn on the cob and, depending on your choice, shrimp, or beef and chicken. Similar ingredients to a seafood boil.

The portions were served by the homeless. This action was inspired by collective dreams as well!

A table was placed in a Temple of Dreams formed on site using nothing more than ropes. Inspired by Marco Casagrande’s original “Forest Temple”, made entirely out of ropes tightly wrapped around a few tree trunks. The area in between the trees accommodates a generous “tribal” gathering space where artists, artisans, architects, writers, photographers, and yogis can meet and reconnect with nature. For the Temple of Dreams, our partner Matt Campbell and his hardworking team from Scott Lewis’ Gardening recreated this architecture of ropes so that merchants, residents, locals, and those visiting the downtown area could connect at this community table, share food and have an open discussion on what dreams we may have for ourselves personally and the dreams of our community.



This co-design workshop was put together as the first response to the thought provoking dreams the Trojan Rocking Horses collected during their Downtown March through West Palm Beach at the beginning of 2023.

From the collected dreams an idea was crystalized to create a mobile community center – The Stable. As the design for the 8 Trojan Rocking Horses was based on creations the children made during workshops with architect Marco Casagrande and collage artist Mary Glazier, the design of The Stable should also be done with community input.

To harvest more dreams from our West Palm Beach community, the co-design workshop consisted of 8 immersive creative stations designed to let your imagination run free and create a record of it.

Each station was inspired by a particular dream gathered in the children workshops and Downtown March.


Big THANK YOU to all organizers, partners and participants!


Tell us what is your dream for the city 🡪 INVITATION TO DREAM


Dream station #1 - UPCYCLE CREATION


Co-Design Workshop