Katie Cashette  


Head of School & Board Member of the International Dyslexia Association-Florida

​Katie was trained and taught at The Kildonan School in New York by Orton Academy Fellow, Diana King, before earning a Masters in Cognitive Science in Education from Columbia University-Teachers College. She was founding faculty at Joyce Bilgrav’s third OG-based school, the Liberty School (CO), where she helped design the interdisciplinary curricular program for twice-exceptional students, the Film program, and the Outdoor Pursuits program. In the Bilgrav School, she is excited to coalesce these schools’ most effective elements: 1) a 4-pronged approach to literacy remediation, including daily, 1:1 OG tutoring, an independent reinforcement period for lessons learned during each day's tutoring, and a Language Arts class designed specifically for dyslexic learners, 2) a teaching staff deeply knowledgeable about dyslexic learners, 3)  a curriculum that is naturally S.T.E.A.M. with a focus on Arts integration, and 4)  an exceptional school culture yielding kind, confident, capable students.  Katie also teaches History & Language Arts for the Dyslexic Learner to Bilgrav's 5th-8th graders and tutors 1:1 each day.


email: kcashette@bilgravshcool.org

tel: 970-903-5721